

UST GmbH Gera is involved in …



UST-GmbH Gera, with the support of its partners and employees, sees itself as …



UST-GmbH Gera, with the support of its partners and employees, sees itself as …

Development goals

Development goals

UST GmbH Gera is oriented towards the future …



News from UST Gera GmbH …



The UST GmbH Gera team is …

The UST GmbH Gera team is versatile. Our professional competence, many years of experience and a future-oriented approach in the field of environmental systems engineering form important pillars of our company. We approach our tasks with determination, awareness and environmental awareness. Harmony and a firm cohesion have strengthened our team since the beginning. Together, we face all challenges in order to offer our customers the highest possible performance at all times. Rely on a creative team that meets your requirements. We offer you and your company high-quality and efficient products in the field of water disinfection without chemicals, advise you and provide specialists on the topics of occupational safety, environmental and quality management, draw up environmental reports and provide you with expert technical support for contaminated sites, in cases of damage and for flood protection.

Trust in the UST GmbH Gera team

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht des KerYou will find an overview of the core team of Umwelt-Systemtechnik GmbH Gera here. Our team is at your disposal with advice and assistance in all questions concerning our fields of expertise. We look forward to working with your company. Talk to us directly. Click here for our contact form.

  • Thomas Neumann: Managing Director
  • Salome Jungeilges: UVC system development and engineering services
  • Waldemar Krüger: UVC system construction
  • Petra Schreiter: Environmental management (ISO 14001)
  • Anita Beyer: Admin & Accounting

Thomas Neumann

Thomas Neumann
Thomas Neumann Executive partner +49 365 / 437 96-0 thomas.neumannpr[a]prust-gerapr.prde

Salome Jungeilges

Salome Jungeilges
Salome Jungeilges UVC system development and engineering services +49 365 / 437 96-11 salmone.jungeilgespr[a]prust-gerapr.prde

Waldemar Krüger

Waldemar Krüger
Waldemar Krüger UVC system construction +49 365 / 437 96-0 waldemar.kruegerpr[a]prust-gerapr.prde

Petra Schreiter

Petra Schreiter
Petra Schreiter Environmental management (ISO 14001) +49 365 / 437 96-017 petra.schreiterpr[a]prust-gerapr.prde

Anita Beyer

Anita Beyer
Anita Beyer Admin & Accounting +49 365 / 437 96-0 anita.beyerpr[a]prust-gerapr.prde

Focused on the environment and the future

Our company is constantly evolving. Since the beginning, our team has also sought out and explored new paths many times. We have succeeded in attracting young and talented employees to take over and shape our age succession. While the employees of the first generations are approaching retirement in the next few years, we have always endeavoured to pass on the knowledge and experience to the younger forces. In this creative environment, we have already been able to implement some innovations and ideas. In addition, we are always looking for talented new people to start a new career with our company.



The UST GmbH Gera team is …

gefördert durch Im Rahmen der Beratungsrichtlinie des Freistaates Thüringen erhält unser Unternehmen eine Förderung für Beratungen und Prozessbegleitungen. Diese unterstützen Strategien zum Aufbau und zur nachhaltigen positiven Entwicklung und Sicherung von KMUs. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen werden in einem Beratungsbericht festgehalten. Die Förderung erfolgt aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus und aus Mitteln des Freistaats Thüringen.